Mayday Parade : Tales Told By Dead Friends.
So for my first post I'm going to review a CD i recently downloaded.
Mayday Parade : Tales Told By Dead Friends.
This band kicks off the 6 song CD with a slower paced song, "Just say you're not into it." Personally, not my favorite style of song, and is one of my least favorite on the cd. The slow paced song has nocatchy chorus, or anything really to keep me wanting to listen to this song all the way through. I do like some of the drums in the song which is probably the only reason i listen to it at all. The Next song helps mayday parade redeem its self. From the very beginning of the song, the pop vocals pull you in. Then you get hit with a catchy-as-hell chorus. You catch some synthesizer between the chorus and verses and this only pulls you even further in love with this song. Catchy guitar compliments the great vocals on this track. Next comes another slow song, but unlike the first song, this one has a somewhat catchy chorus, but really nothing else specially to offer. Drums and vocals though are the started for the next song which brings the speed and life back to their album. The next few songs only go to show that mayday parade has limited originality.
Overall : 5/10
Notes: I like a few songs, but it fails to keep my attention for more than a couple tracks, as it seems as though i have heard this cd many times before, Oh yea! thats cause it sounds like SO MANY OTHER BANDS OUT THERE.
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